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From simple grain to valuable 
sprouted bread

Bis aus kleinen Getreidekörnern, die in der Erde wachsen ein Keimbrot entsteht, sind viele kleine Schritte erforderlich. Jeder Zwischenschritt hat einen Einfluss auf die Qualität des Brotes.

Und weil das vielen unserer Kunden gar nicht bewusst ist, haben wir die einzelnen Schritte in ihrer korrekten Reihenfolge einfach mal für Sie aufgezeichnet.

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**From Simple Grain to Valuable Sprouted Bread**

*Bis aus kleinen Getreidekörnern, die in der Erde wachsen, ein Keimbrot entsteht, sind viele kleine Schritte erforderlich. Jeder Zwischenschritt hat einen Einfluss auf die Qualität des Brotes. Und weil das vielen unserer Kunden gar nicht bewusst ist, haben wir die einzelnen Schritte in ihrer korrekten Reihenfolge einfach mal für Sie aufgezeichnet.*


Have you ever wondered about the journey that a humble grain takes to transform into a nutritious and delicious sprouted bread? It's a fascinating process that involves numerous intricate steps, each of which plays a vital role in shaping the quality and flavor of the final product. At our bakery, we understand the importance of these steps and how they contribute to creating bread that not only tastes exceptional but is also rich in nutrients.

**The Beginning: Tiny Grains**

It all starts with the smallest of entities - grains. These tiny, unassuming kernels are sown into the earth, where they begin their journey towards becoming the heart of a sprouted bread. The choice of grains, their quality, and the care taken during cultivation directly influence the end result.

**Germination: Nature's Magic**

As the grains nestle in the soil, they undergo a remarkable transformation known as germination. This natural process involves the grains sprouting tiny shoots, unlocking a treasure trove of nutrients and flavor. The timing and conditions of germination are crucial factors that determine the bread's nutritional value and taste.

**Meticulous Milling**

Once the grains have sprouted to perfection, they are carefully milled into flour. The milling process not only grinds the grains but also preserves the integrity of the sprouts, ensuring that the essential nutrients are retained. Our commitment to using high-quality milling techniques guarantees that every loaf of our sprouted bread is bursting with goodness.

**Crafting the Dough**

The sprouted flour is then expertly combined with other essential ingredients to create a dough that is the heart and soul of our bread. Precise measurements, traditional techniques, and a passion for crafting the perfect dough are what set our bakery apart.

**The Art of Baking**

Finally, the dough is baked to perfection, giving rise to the delightful aroma and golden crust that define our sprouted bread. Our skilled bakers carefully monitor the temperature and time to achieve the ideal texture and flavor, making each loaf a work of art.


So, from the simple grain that nestles in the earth to the valuable sprouted bread that graces your table, every step in this journey matters. We take pride in sharing this journey with you, our valued customers, and hope that it deepens your appreciation for the dedication and craftsmanship that go into each and every loaf of our sprouted bread. Enjoy the goodness and flavor that only the finest grains and meticulous processes can bring to your life.